Spray Shop
Established in 1990, Spray Shop has become the go-to destination for farmers in South Australia seeking top-quality spraying equipment. With decades of experience, they understand the unique challenges that Australian farmers face when it comes to delivering fluid solutions into the field.
Initially tasked with developing a series of brochures showcasing innovative custom builds, we recognized an opportunity to better align the Spray Shop brand with their business philosophy. A refreshed brandmark was crafted that preserved existing visual elements in a more refined and succinct manner. We retained the idea of a droplet of water nurturing leaf growth through simple manipulation of font. The new typeface, with its rounded, friendly, and organic form, feels contemporary yet remains approachable. An updated colour palette includes a vibrant green and deep navy that provides a dynamic contrast and strong visual appeal.
Ensuring a consistent and dynamic presentation across all aspects of Spray Shop has helped strengthen visibility in new markets, solidified existing ones, and enhanced the overall Spray Shop brand experience.
Brand Rejuvenation
Marketing Collateral