SA Health
We were asked to develop a visual story through the creation of information graphics to demonstrate a Public Health Evaluation System. Primarily these would be used for PowerPoint presentations and integrated into the SA Health Intranet. Information graphics were required to demonstrate the four main Public Health Priority Area - Climate Change, Built Environment, Health Environment and Health Protection. These areas needed to be populated with relevant and appropriate indicators which then connect with health outcome.
The project in itself was quite complex - from its content, the inter-relatedness across multiple areas - to the ongoing dialogue with stakeholders and inclusion of new data from these discussions. With so many factors to consider and manage, a simple, relevant yet engaging approach was required to convey the framework of the story. It was essential that the information-graphics worked in a modular way, flexible in showing the complete story as well as the four main Public Health Priority Areas. It needed to be organic in order to evolve as new information is added. It needed to be simple and approachable to ensure information was easily understood.
Concept Design
Information Graphics