We were engaged to develop a compelling brand name, brandmark and packaging that would celebrate the sparkling wine within their bottles, whilst reflecting Nicole St Pierre’s passion to inspire women to pursue their goals and dreams as much as she herself has. Alongside experienced winemaker and partner James Hastwell, Love+Glory was born. This name captures perfectly the philosophy and values of what drives the brand...To pursue values loved, To toast glory earned To celebrate life fully lived...Because every day is worth celebrating when crafting a life you love.
Our focus was to capture the celebratory concept of Love+Glory with a dynamic brandmark inspired by fireworks and native flowering gums. The shared 'O' forms the focal point and references the shared passion and love Nicole and James have for each other and their business. This manifests on the label as a festive explosion of colour that bursts from a deep blue “night sky”. The combination of foil, embossing, high gloss screen and colour, create a lively, attractive and most importantly fun and exciting aesthetic. Supporting packaging, including shippers and tissue wraps have purposefully been printed in mono to provide fabulous contrast to the labelled bottles within.
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity Design